Des Moines, IA

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Des Moines, Iowa

Des Moines was credited with the “number one spot for U.S. insurance companies” in a Business Wire article and dubbed the third largest insurance capital of the world.

LDS Population

LDS Members make up 1.00% of the population of Des Moines. The state of Iowa has 24,614 members in 7 stakes, 37 wards, 32 branches, and 1 mission.

LDS History

Emigrating saints reached the eastern bluffs of the Missouri River on 14 June 1846 and established Kanesville, later called Council Bluffs. It was there on 13 July 1846 that nearly 500 men from the “Camp of Israel” were mustered in for military service into the Mormon Battalion. At Kanesville Oliver Cowdery helped establish the restored gospel. Iowa remained in the Northern States Mission until 1960 when it was transferred to the Central States Mission. The first permanent stake in Iowa, the Cedar Rapids Stake, was created in 1966. The Des Moines Stake followed in 1970. For a short time, Iowa became part of the Missouri Independence Mission, until it was reassigned to the Iowa Des Moines Mission in 1976.

LDS REALTORS Des Moines, IA Area

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As seen on BYU-TV, we understand your family needs and concerns about food storage, ward boundaries, seminary and more. Find an LDS Realtor now!


Current Weather

Des Moines
clear sky
humidity: 44%
wind: 12mph SSE
H 53 • L 53
86 Degree

July Average High Temp

12 Degree

January Low Temp

Nebraska Winter Quarters Temple

139 miles W of Des Moines

Family Friendly

Des Moines is everything you want to find in a city. It’s a Broadway show, a Saturday morning at the Des Moines Farmers’ Market and a night at your favorite restaurant or enjoying laid back music venues. It’s a shopping trip to an East Village boutique or an inspired trip through a downtown sculpture park.

Des Moines News


About 203,433 people call Des Moines home. It was incorporated on September 22, 1851, as Fort Des Moines which was shortened to “Des Moines” in 1857. It is named after the Des Moines River, which may have been adapted from the French Rivière des Moines, literally meaning “River of the Monks.”