Elko, Nevada
Elko is the largest city for over 130 miles in all directions, making it, as its city motto states, “The Heart of Northeast Nevada.” It is home to Great Basin College, as well as to the National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office serving most of northern and central Nevada.
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Mormon Population
Mormons make up 16.29% of the population of Elko. The state of Nevada has 178,737 members in 37 stakes, 295 wards and 29 branches, 3 missions, and 2 temples.
LDS History
Nevada’s first permanent white settlement, Mormon Station (later Genoa), was founded in 1850 in what is now western Nevada, a region that became part of Utah Territory the same year. Soon other Mormon settlements were started there and in Las Vegas Valley. The Las Vegas mission failed, but the farming communities to the northwest succeeded, even though friction between Mormons and placer miners in that area caused political unrest. Most of the Mormons in western Nevada departed in 1857, when Salt Lake City was threatened by an invasion of federal troops.
Family Friendliness
The raw majesty of Elko County’s Ruby Mountains and the rugged canyon streams will let you discover the unspoiled drama of the West. Just 6 miles south of town is the Elko Snow Bowl for all your skiing and snowboarding fun. In the summer the many parks provide trails, swimming and family activities. Museums and golfing are available in Elko.