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Mormon Population
Mormons make up 1.87% of the population of Minot. The state of North Dakota has 6,930 members in 2 stakes, 7 wards, 9 branches, 1 mission, and 1 temple located in Bismark.
LDS History
The first missionaries began working in North Dakota in the summer of 1884. They returned to the area most summers thereafter. By 1898, the work in North Dakota showed enough promise that Northern States Mission leaders established the North Dakota Conference. In September of 1914, missionaries held a meeting with 108 members of the Gros Ventre tribe on the Berthold Reservation. At that meeting they baptized six. The first Church unit in North Dakota not on a reservation was a Sunday School, which soon grew into a branch, established in 1923 at Grand Forks in the northeastern part of the state.
Family Friendliness
Minot offers a full range of fun, recreational and entertainment opportunities. From free concerts in the parks to all other types of arts and cultural events, Minot has it all.